Occupational Safety and Health Department is a structural unit of DonNUET, intended for organizing the implementation of legal, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, socio-economic, medical and preventive and nature protection measures aimed at preventing accidents, occupational diseases and accidents in the work process and preventive work in the field of fire safety.
Address: Tramvaina, 16, office. 406
Occupational safety engineer — Daria Zaikina
The main tasks of the Occupational Safety and Health Department:
- continuous improvement of work to create healthy and safe conditions for students’ training and staff work, prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases
- organization of carrying out preventive measures aimed at eliminating harmful and dangerous production factors, preventing accidents at work, occupational diseases and other threats to the life or health of workers and students
- analysis of the condition and causes of occupational injuries and occupational diseases
- implementation of constant monitoring of employees’ compliance with the requirements of laws and other regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, provisions, the section “Labor protection” of the collective agreement
- providing explanations to the University employees on labor protection and fire safety issues
- organization, planning and monitoring the implementation of measures to protect students and university staff from possible fires