Anti-corruption Board is a collegial body that operates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the Regulations on the Anti-corruption Board of Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade.

Address: 16, Tramvaina, room. 409

The head of Anti-corruption Board – Valerii Yankovskyi

The composition of the Anti-corruption Board of Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade:

  • Hanna Horina – Head of the Department of Tourism and Country Studies, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
  • Oksana Dankeieva ‒ senior lecturer  of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Viktoriia Okolovych – member of Student self-government
  • Karyna Papiian ‒ member of Student self-government
  • Yuliia Shtyk – Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Audit, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Valerii Yankovskyi – Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking

The competence of the Anti-corruption Board includes:

  • preparating, provision and controlling over the implementation of measures to prevent corruption
  • providing methodological and consulting assistance on compliance with anti-corruption legislation
  • participating in information and research support measures to prevent and detect corruption, as well as international cooperation in this field
  • conducting organizational and outreach work to prevent, detect and combat corruption
  • monitoring compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the settlement of conflicts of interest
  • monitoring compliance with anti-corruption legislation
  • taking measures to identify conflicts of interest and facilitate its elimination, monitoring compliance with the law on conflict of interest, as well as identifying favorable risks for corruption offenses in the activities of employees of the University, making proposals to the Rector to eliminate such risks
  • informing in the stated manner the Rector, as well as law enforcement agencies in accordance with their competence in case of detection of facts that may indicate the committing corruption or corruption-related offenses by employees of the University
  • reviewing, within its powers, reports on the involvement of University employees in the committing  corruption offenses

«Протоколи Ради з питань запобігання та виявлення корупційних правопорушень»