SRL «Enterprise Management Aspects of Current Interest»

Scientific Coordinator

Natalia Ivanova – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor


SRL «Enterprise Management Aspects of Current Interest» was established on the basis of the Department of Marketing, Management and Public Administration of Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade.

The purpose of the Laboratory is to conduct theoretical and applied research on the management of complex socio-economic systems represented by enterprises of various forms of ownership and organizational structure. Research is aimed at substantiation and development of innovative management methods, implementation of research results in practice and the educational process.

Main research areas are:

  • scientific substantiation of innovative management methods and tools
  • creation of strategies to ensure the enterprises economic development
  • development of anti-crisis management programs of complex socio-economic systems
  • development of measures to ensure the enterprises economic interests for the sustainable development of regions and the state
  • regulation of economic security of enterprises
  • research and classification of threats to the effective enterprises functioning
  • development of preventive measures to prevent the impact of internal and external threats to the economic development of complex socio-economic systems.

Taxpayer-funded researches realization:

0118U100276 “Anti-crisis management as a factor in ensuring the economic development of the region” (2018-2019)

0118U100488 “Strategic change management at the enterprise in an unstable environment” (2019-2020).

Work on PhD within the framework of the laboratory:

Natalia Ivanova “Forecasting the economic security of the national economy: a regional aspect” – Doctoral thesis on a specialty 08.00.03 – economy and management of a national economy. – Alfred Nobel University. – Dnipro, 2018.

Natalia Pryimak “Management of strategic changes in the enterprise” – specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity), 2020